Friday 22 January 2010

Comments Box

I've had to clear some of the comments off the walls of the Comments Box to make room for new ones.  Here is some of what visitors had contributed:

The world will end when...

The bees die!

Everything has no purpose.

We least expect it.

When a new beginning starts.

Principles of a new belief system...

We must love people and use things, not love things and use people.

Every day is full of possibilites.

Believe in yourself first.

Sunday 17 January 2010

Thoughts at the Preview

We all have a need to believe in something; that much was evident when talking to people at the exhibition yesterday. Is this simply how our brains are programmed? Human beings (generally) tend to prefer social order over chaos or conflict, so it makes sense to have a collective belief system, but what to believe in? And how far should we compromise logic to stay in a group?

I wasn't the only one at the show to admit that I missed some of the security and comforting rituals of the organised religion of childhood. Then it was soothing to know that there was someone in charge; learn the rules, stick to them and everything would be alright. Hey, even death could be neatly taken care of if you behaved yourself. But where do you go as an adult when logic prevails and that desire for answers remains? I believe one can make good ethical and moral choices without being part of an organised religion or group, but I am intrigued to know if it's possible to find a system where intellect and spirituality can co-exist? Anyone?
